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Stained glass windows.
A room with books, long tables, and chairs.
A room with a projector screen, several monitors, and chairs.
A room with books, long tables, and chairs.
In a large room, there are tables and chairs.
Inside a room with stained glass windows, there are rows of books on shelves and tables with chairs.

The Library at Newport Harbor High School’s book collection includes a sizable sampling of fiction, nonfiction, biography and reference materials. Many research databases are available for student use. Teachers can sign up online to reserve class time in the Library and Computer Lab.

The library staff assists teachers with developing resource-based lesson plans and teaching information literacy skills, where students learn to discern authoritative, fact-based resources from opinion and persuasion sources.

The NHHS Library is also home to the Ruth Stoever Fleming Collection of Southern California Art. From 1935 until 1966, under the direction of Librarian Ruth Stoever Fleming, fifty-six oil or watercolor paintings were acquired either as senior class gifts or as purchase prizes from The Newport Harbor Art Exhibit held annually in the Newport Harbor Library and Gymnasium. Newport Harbor High School is one of the only high schools in the nation to own and display a historical art collection.

General Information

Hours – Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. including before school, break, lunch and after school.

Pass or ID required during class time.

Library Card – Your Student ID Card is also your Library Card.

Library Book Check Out – Books are checked out for a 30 day period. Students may check out 5 books at a time.  Books may be renewed for a two-week period.

Textbooks – Students must check out and return all textbooks through the library. This includes all English/Comp Lit Novels.

Lost Books – Students are responsible for the replacement costs of lost library and textbooks. Students will not be able to attend Winter Formal or Prom or receive a yearbook if they have overdue/unpaid books. Seniors will not receive their caps and gowns or be able to participate in the graduation ceremony with overdue/unpaid books.

The Use of the Library Media Center is a privilege. Students must be respectful of others and library property at all times.

No food, drinks (including water), or gum is allowed in the library at any time.

Library Computer Lab Schedule

Teacher Lab Sign Up Here

Newport Harbor Library Catalog

Newport Harbor Library Catalog

Newport Beach Public Library Link 

Newport Beach Public Library.

Writing Help

OWL Online Writing Lab.

APA Style     OR    MLA Style

The Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional material, and they provide these as a free service of the Writing Lab at Purdue. Users worldwide will find information to assist with many writing projects. Teachers and trainers may use this material for in-class and out-of-class instruction.
Annotated Bibliography Samples

Contact Us

Kelly Bourgeois 
Teacher Librarian
(949) 515-6312

Melissa Krushat 
Library Media Technician
(949) 515-6312

Cindy Ballreich
Computer Lab Assistant
(949) 515-6333