California Scholarship Federation (CSF)
CSF Application Fall 2022
Happy New school year, Newport Harbor Students,
Hope you are all doing well! For those students interested in the California Scholarship Federation (CSF), the new round of applications are open.
This round of applications is open to current 10th, 11th and 12th graders who are in good academic standing. We are back to paper applications which are available on Mrs. Nguyen's door in Counseling office or Mrs. Ciok's door in Sims 292.
1. Please complete the Google Form CSF Application by clicking here
2. Please read the directions very carefully especially regarding the point system.
3. Please use your last semester's grades (Spring 2022) and refer to the CSF approved List of courses on the back of the application to complete the application. This list of courses changes every year so any old ones from years past will not be relevant.
4. You may pay $10 member contribution to the ASB window and attach your receipt to your application.
5. The application are due Wednesday, October 5th, 2022 to Mrs. Nguyen or Mrs. Ciok. NO LATE APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED PER CSF BY-LAWS.
Want to Know More About Upcoming Events, Service Projects and Fundraisers?
Follow our Instagram page at @nhhs_csf and look out for Schoology announcements. We will be posting about upcoming meetings, service projects and fundraisers. As a CSF member, we would love for you to be an active member!
CSF-Bylaws-amended-201810 (PDF)
Follow us on Instagram @nhhs_csf for all the updates on CSF!
Founded in 1921, the California Scholarship Federation is the oldest scholastic, scholarship institution in the state of California. CSF emphasizes high standards of scholarship, and community service for California high school students. CSF encourages service to the school and the community while fostering pride in academic achievement.
CSF Membership is based on scholarship and is gained after qualifying grades are earned each semester. In order to become a member, the student must submit an application with a transcript each semester the student is eligible. A point system specified in the CSF State By-Laws establishes the membership requirements. To secure eligibility for CSF membership, a student must earn sufficient points from pre-approved course lists. The majority of the required membership points must come from college preparatory accepted course work.
Life Membership (Sealbearer) is achieved by qualifying four or more semesters in the last three years of high school (not including Freshman year) and one of the semesters must be from grades earned during the senior year. Sealbearers earn the CSF Gold Seal, gold cord, lamp pin and certificate. Sealbearers also are eligible to apply for scholarship money.
If you qualify for CSF membership on the basis of your last year’s grades, fill out the application form online and attach a screen shot of your grades (report card or transcript). You can access your grades on your Aeries portal.
$10 membership donation can be paid via ASB webstore or at the ASB window. Applications are due usually 4 weeks after the start of the semester (due date is posted on the application). No late applications can be accepted based on CSF by-laws.
Newport Harbor High School is a public institution that promises inclusion of all students who are members of the California Scholarship Federation Newport Harbor High School chapter and at no time will a student be dismissed from a program or penalized in any way due to a financial hardship.